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Friday 15 August 2008

Ignore this if you don't want to LEARN THE SECRETS of having women lust after you, HAVING WOMEN DRAGGING YOU INTO BED!

I shouldn't really be telling you this, but there is a new sure-fire system on the market which will have women banging down your door to be with you. To sleep with you. Uncontrollably removing your clothes, powerless in your presence.

What makes this THE BEST GUIDE ON THE MARKET at the moment? It's WRITTEN BY A WOMAN! Who better to know how women tick and what turns them on than another woman - obvious when you think about it.

Over 20,000 copies of this gem have flown off the shelves so far. But - it probably won't be available for much longer. Why? Because come high profile women are trying to get this guide BANNED!

Imagine yourself having the power to walk up to a woman and within minutes have her like putty in the palm of your hands. Having her pulling you into bed the very same day. Doesn't matter what you look like - you do NOT need a 6-pack for the secrets in this guide. Is it any wonder women have tried to get this publication banned.

Sure, there are a lot of seduction guides on the market, but this one is written from an insider perspective which makes it unique, and makes it the only one REALLY WORTH BUYING. I know you are having doubts about whether this can really deliver what it promises, but why take the chance of not buying this. Why take the chance of lying in bed, alone, wondering what could have been. There is a cast-iron 60 day 100% money back guarantee if you are not completely satisfied.

You have to penetrate a woman's defenses. Getting into her head is a prerequisite to getting into her body. - Bob Guccione, Penthouse Founder.

Learn the ways to put your girl literally into a hypnotic trance that will have her OBEYING YOUR EVERY COMMAND AND DESIRE.

You need to hurry though because I seriously don't think this guide is going to be around for many more days. I'm hoping it is because this is PURE GOLD, but it could vanish anytime from now. So hurry!

Tuesday 12 August 2008

How To Get The Girl You've Been Chasing Forever

Do you have trouble attracting women? Is there a particular girl you've been chasing forever and she either ignores you, or (worse!) treats you as a best friend, almost like a brother? You're not alone. Men have been chasing girls since the dawn of time, but there are some guys that are more successful than others. Sure, there are the good looking guys who women are initially drawn to, but more often than not, you find that they cannot keep a girls interest and not even get them as far as the bedroom.

To become an alpha male does not require you to be what is classed as traditionally good looking (you know - 6 pack abs, chiselled jaw). ANYONE CAN BECOME AN ALPHA MALE by spending a little time applying techniques and changing your behaviour. 

Firstly, you need to understand the psychological differences between men and women to understand what do women want in a guy. Read any poll on what attracts a girl to a guy and more often than not, you'll find that 'looks' are somewhere way down the list, and things like 'sense of humour' and 'confidence' are at the top.

Well, I've got good news for you. Confidence is something which can be learned and faked. Even if, at this moment in time, you feel you are the most shy retiring guy who will never have the guts to approach that girl. Using the tips in the Alpha Male System you'll learn how to read womens body language and tailor your approach to get success every time.

TRY IT TODAY! With an 8 week money back guarantee - You've nothing to lose, but everything to gain!