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Wednesday 10 October 2007

How Does A Man Attract A Woman

How does a man attract a woman? There is no big mystery in what's involved, but there are some key things you must do to increase your chances of attracting women. Not just any women either. Follow this advice and you will be able to attract the beautiful girls you always thought out of your league.

Here are 7 key factors I have used in attracting women:

  • Be Confident
    There is a fine line between being confident and being cocky. Although there are time when being cocky could be an asset, in the beginning stages of a relationship or when you are trying to get the girl leave the cockiness at home. It will most likely attract the wrong kind of girl. Confidence is key for women. No woman wants a guy that always hangs his head and does not think much of himself. Being confident could just be keeping your chin up, not letting things get to you and believing in yourself.

  • Be considerate and nice without getting stuck in the “friend” zone
    Lots of times guys get stuck in the “friend” zone and there is NO way to get out. Believe me, I have been there before and it sucked watching other guys go out with the girl I was trying to get. You can still be kind and considerate and open the door for her, compliment her on the way she looks, but definitely nothing further.

  • Take care of yourself
    This goes without saying. Although women in general care more for what’s on a guy’s mind than what he looks like, staying in shape and taking care of yourself does not really hurt either. Think about it, would you want to date someone that did not take care of the way she looked? What I am talking about here is basic hygiene. Brush your teeth, shave regularly, comb your hair, get haircuts regularly, do your laundry, do I need to go on? Thought not.

  • Have something to say
    There is a saying, small minds talk about others, average minds talk about current events, and great minds talk about ideas. Always have something to say. Talk about the weather, what’s in the news and more importantly ask more about her. One of the things I have found is that women like to talk about themselves and love a guy who will listen. And not just hear them, but actually listen, ponder it and respond. Always have something to say and always listen to what she is saying.

  • Be funny
    No one likes a stick in the mud. You don’t have to be a comedian, but be able to laugh at yourself. Women like a guy with a sense of humor. If you look at any of your friends who are not that great looking, I can almost guarantee they have a great personality or are really funny.

  • Control Yourself
    Man this is one I have seen a lot. Now I will admit there are some women that like a guy that gets angry and gets into fights, but again, these are not the women we are going to try to attract. Show that you have some class and self control, don’t blow up at the waiter if he forgets your water and don’t get drunk and start streaking in the middle of the bar.

  • Be sociable
    Women like a guy that can talk to their friends. One of the biggest green lights for a woman s when her friends approve of him. Don’t get along wither her friends and you will likely be just the stepping stone to the next guy.

I have just outlined some of the key factors I have used in attracting women. I will however say one last thing. One of my biggest wins has been to be myself, because at the end of the day if you pretend to be someone you are not, she will find out. So get out there and be patient, the right girl is waiting.

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