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Wednesday 26 September 2007

Dating Advice: Tip #1

Here's some free dating advice. We've all been there. You finally get that date you've been waiting for with the hot girl who you thought would never say 'yes', so what do you do? You reserve a table at the best restaurant in town, buy the expensive wine, send her flowers and lavish her with gifts.

A good friend of mine blew over one months salary on a girl in one week, just because he was so excited that he finally got that date with the girl he'd viewed from afar for months.

You can hardly blame the guy. Can you? Surely the woman is extremely appreciative of the attention, effort and money being lavished upon her? Well, after about 3 weeks she dumped him! Shocked?

Well, step back a little and let's see what signals you are giving to the woman. You may have had two or three dates so technically you hardly know each other. She's done nothing to really earn this, and yet you shower her with expensive gifts and dates in costly restaurants. She may even get a dozen roses just because... well, just because it's Wednesday! This reeks of desperation on the part of the male. You are saying "I know my value is less than yours, so I shall send you flowers and take you to the finest restaurants to compensate for this."

I know this goes against everything you've ever been taught and brought up to believe, but you really need to alter your mind-set. Lose the beta male mentality and become the alpha male.

Eventually, whether consciously or subconsciously, your date will find this desperation tedious and she'll move on (once you've been fleeced to the tune of several thousand of course).

One of the first steps in becoming the alpha male is to realise your own value. Get the mind-set of someone with a high social status. This may not come naturally at first, but it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Once you increase your self-esteem, others will look on you differently and with more respect, which in turn will boost your self-esteem further. Check the Alpha Male System for more on this.

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