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Tuesday 18 September 2007

The Four Stages of Competence - How to Become The Alpha Male

This applies to everything and not just the choice you’ve taken to become the alpha male. Once you've made the decision to make a change, any change, most people will say "that's half the battle". Well, let me tell you - it's not! Sure, you need to take that first step of telling yourself "I'm going to become the alpha male", or even simply "I want to become more confident, more attractive to the opposite sex". Just be certain you understand however, that this is only the first step.

Whenever you try something new, everyone goes through the following four steps before you reach your destination. I'll draw the analogy with learning to drive a car which will, hopefully, strike a chord with the majority of you.

Unconscious Incompetence
This is the first stage of competence (well, incompetence at this point) where you don't know how to do something and also do not recognize the deficit and how to address it. In terms of you wanting to become an alpha male, you are possibly already obliviously happy with the fact you are viewed as weak and unattractive by your peers. Of course, the fact you are even reading this proves otherwise.

Conscious Incompetence
Think back to the very first time you got into a car; your first driving lesson perhaps. You were extremely aware of the fact you didn't know what to do. You were conscious of your incompetence. This is nothing to be ashamed of. On the contrary, we all need to go through this as it is the most important step on our path to change.

Conscious Competence
After passing your driving test, you now have the necessary skills to operate the vehicle but at this point it still requires a great deal of concentration or consciousness.

Unconscious Competence
This is the stage we want to reach. You have mastered the skills involved in driving a car, the skills and characteristics of being an alpha-male, or whatever it is you set out to accomplish. You are highly capable and it just comes so naturally, that you are not even aware of the fact. To put this in context, you may be driving on a highway, perhaps a route you take quite often, and after a few miles of driving you try to remember the specifics of that part of your journey but you can’t. You are so capable at this, you were unconscious of the actions required to get you here. Similarly, in terms of improving your confidence and becoming the alpha male, you will eventually reach the stage where people are attracted to you without you having to even try.

We can all achieve unconscious competence but you must realize that, in most cases, this takes time and effort. The second stage - conscious incompetence - can be a very uncomfortable situation for some people. Bear with it though and you’ll come out the other side being a much stronger, and more capable, person who is more powerful at work and more attractive to the opposite sex. Your confidence will increase and also your ability to influence people and situations. You will no longer be on that path wanting to become the alpha male, you will have achieved it and, here's the best thing, it will come naturally to you in every situation.

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