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Monday 22 October 2007

Conversational Hypnosis - Hypnotic Mind Seduction System

This is it! Conversational Hypnosis! I couldn't believe this when I saw it. If you truly want to become the best alpha male you can be, then you need to get this.
I'd already touched on this in my previous posts here and here, but this is an intensive course that will allow you to really reap the rewards.

I ordered it the other week and have started putting into practice some of the techniques, and I'm already seeing the difference it's making in meetings at work and just the general way in which people are treating me.

Yes, it's quite an investment to make, but that's exactly what it is - an investment.

At least that's the way I view it. You wouldn't believe how much effort I put into telling myself why I shouldn't buy such and such a thing, when actually the rewards could be huge! And yet, I don't even shudder when I pump $100/week of fuel into the car...

Anyway - time to get my priorities right I thought. (Of course, I still need the gas...) So I placed my order and downloaded the package straight away. There is a phenomenal amount of information here which will probably take months to give it the time it deserves.

The deal clincher for me was the endorsement from Joe Vitale. This guy is 'The Master' when it comes to hypnotic language, and many of you may have already read his best selling book on Hypnotic Language. There's some great stuff in there about embedding commands and pre-suppositions. With Conversational Hypnosis though, it's all about the spoken word. 

I know I'm going to enjoy this, and I'll report back as I progress to Ninja-like status!

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