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Friday 9 November 2007

The Alpha Male System - A Review

I've had a lot of people emailing me, asking me to do a full review of The Alpha Male System. Is this just yet another useless system and waste of your hard earned cash, or can you actually become the type of guy that effortlessly attracts women?

First thing.... because I KNOW you are wondering... this is NOT going to be just another one of those B.S. reviews. Why? Because there's no point. I know you're a smart cookie, and you'll see through any B.S. straight away, so I'd be wasting both your time and my time (and I really hate wasting my time).

I had a long think about how I was going to do this review. In total, the book is 159 pages, so how should I structure it? What are the things that you are looking to know before you can decide if it's worth parting with your money...

The thing that ALWAYS got me about most e-books was the 'pitch page'. You know, the bit where everything sounds too good to be true, but sucks you in because it gives you hope! So, that's where I am going to start. I'm going to look at the claims on the pitch page, and give you more detail (and my opinion) on exactly how these are tackled in the book.

The 7 Step Seduction System that takes you from saying “hello” to a new woman…to sharing orgasms in bed with her… in just one evening! Page 101

Boy, that's one big claim! Let me be honest. This was the line in the pitch that was the main reason for me wanting to buy this book. I mean... who wouldn't want to know 7 steps to getting a women into bed?!

Well, first thing I did when I downloaded the e-book was - Yup! You guessed it! - flicked straight to page 101. I read the seven steps. Frowned. Read them again. This wasn't exactly the 'magic' I was looking for. Like a lot of things, when you read it, it all sounds like common sense and straightforward.

Then, I went to the start of the chapter and read the whole chapter to get the 7 step system in context. NOW it was all starting to look like there was something special here. It even has many pages on WHERE to find women (I'm not talking about ads in phoneboxes guys!) This was very useful to me. There are the obvious ones, such as 'work' and 'weddings', right out to ones I hadn't considered before such as 'charity events'.

Now, I'm going to give you the first step in this 7-step system. Hopefully it won't get me into trouble, but it will allow you to empathise with the initial disappointment I felt on reading the list straight away:

1. You will walk by a woman and have a quick, neutral conversation.

See what I mean? Where's the magic? Where's the voodoo that's going to let me put a spell on these women...

My disappointment didn't last long, once I started reading the book properly. There is so much detail to back this up. Like I was saying, the bit on WHERE to meet women is a gem. And it's over 10 pages long! Of course, you need to approach women - get close to women - if you are going to take things further (unless you're into all that cyberspace crap of course). Sounds simple, but for most guys like me - like you - the biggest hurdle is approaching women.

"What do I say?"
"What if she rejects me?"
"What do I do if she does actually like me!?" (panic sets in...)

All these points are covered and answered in some depth.

Avoid these 3 behaviors and you’ll immediately become so seductive that women will actually feel themselves getting “wetter” around you! Page 44
What are these 3 behaviours? Well, I'll give you a starter for 10 - the first two are 'bragging' and 'putting yourself down'. The third one is more subtle, but - I think - more powerful than the other two put together. I'm not going to reveal it here, because it would be unethical. If you really take these on board and learn to exhibit the behaviours, then yes, women are attracted to you and will look at you in a different light. In fact, not just with your sex life, but your power at work will increase too. I put into practice the techniques in this book, and it really helped my confidence at work. In turn this changed the way people viewed me.

With women, it's had a MASSIVE impact. The first day I downloaded the book, I just skimmed a few of the sections. That very night, I chatted up a girl at a bar in town and I KNEW it was leading somewhere. The only thing that stopped us was her boyfriend butting in after 10 minutes! I laughed to myself. This guy came back to his girl and was seriously spraying his scent all around her. LOL. Had implementing the techniques in the Alpha Male System really made me appear such a threat..?

I don't normally gush over things like this, so I won't make an exception here. Remember - I said you'll spot B.S. a mile off. This book is good though. It's well written and very easy to read (helped greatly by John's writing style).

Do women now fall at my feet, begging me to pleasure them? Honestly, no.

Do I feel more confident and powerful in my life, and do women look at me with undertones of sexual desire and interest? Well, I have to say they do. The techniques in the Alpha Male System if followed (it's all about action, guys!) will improve your life. You WILL improve yourself, your stature, your confidence and, in turn, change the way people think about you. You WILL gain more respect. You WILL get more interest from women, and with the information in this book you WILL then know what to do once you have a woman's interest. The book leads you every step of the way. In fact, the last section is like a sex manual - packed with incredibly hot tips on how to DRIVE YOUR GIRL WILD in bed! There's stuff in there I'd never heard of, and I can certainly vouch for the fact that it works. Boy does it work....

Give the Alpha Male System a go. You really have nothing to lose, because John offers you a money back guarantee if you are not totally satisfied. If you want to know more before you buy, just post below and I'll try and answer your question.


Restless Cynicism said... a female I'm afraid I'm skeptical. Men who want to meet girls just need a modicum of confidence, belief in themselves, and also the attitude of "the worst she can do is say NO". IF she says no then walk off and don't fret about it, you're hardly going to bump into her again so who cares what she says to reject you? My number one rule when a guy talks to me is he must be SOBER. If he's even remotely drunk then I'd truly not know who I was talking to, as alcohol masks a lot of personality and also fakes confidene. Either that or they're so drunk they invade your personal space and letch visibly over your cleavage, which SO doesn't work!

I'd not waste money on this book, I'd just read up on female body language, invest in some clothes that suit your age and body shape, and get some confidence in yourself.

admin said...

Fair point. It's all very well saying just "get some confidence in yourself". This is a HUGE ask for a lot of guys.

I've read the book and it actually helped me immensely in ALL areas of life, including work. In fact, I even had women coming up to me at work saying they'd noticed a change about me, and that it was all good. Guys too noticed, and I command a lot more respect at work now.

As I say, just telling someone to get more confidence is no good. They need to understand HOW they do this, and what behaviours they need to exhibit, even if it feels un-natural to begin with.